Navigate through the most advanced courses including Effective Insurance Planning, Retirement Planning and Real Estate and Finance just as your client would.
Breakthrough 5: Here you learn why sound finances are so critical to not only you but the ripple effects money has on your children and the greater of society and why it’s so important for you to be able to think for yourself when it comes to money. Breakthrough number five is also about “Creating an Immediate Estate” where you learn the straight scoop on all things insurance through the lens of the HP 12c calculator.
Breakthrough 6: Breakthrough six is a deep dive on the three ways to save, the three worlds of money, a look into insurance vs equity products for saving, what you need to look out for and how to correct inefficient decisions with your retirement. You will learn why you aren’t getting the rates of return on your money long term like you were told and ultimately how to use the HP 12c to think critically for your most optimal financial decisions.
Breakthrough 7: In Breakthrough number seven we cover real estate where you will learn what they REALLY mean when they say location, location, location. You’ll learn the whole process for a home transaction with the most important considerations and the options for financing a purchase. You’ll learn real estate investment strategies. But, most importantly, you will learn how to think critically about your real estate decisions.
Breakthrough 8: Your final Breakthrough (number eight) we teach you all about real estate financing. Like everything else we teach, you will learn how to think critically about your real estate financing decisions. You’ll learn while you’re working hard for your money, people are working to try and take it. This is your last step learning how to take their license to steal your money. In addition, you will learn how to never fall off the wagon after you have gained the financial balance and prosperity you have longed for. This lesson, like the other Breakthroughs lessons are powerful, unique and results oriented.