Coach Website Building and Expectations

This document was last updated on January 30th, 2021.

In order to get your website started, you need to fill out the Coach Setup Form and submit to us before your Coach training is finished so there are no delays on getting your site up and running. Before submitting the Coach Setup form, please read the Coach Website Building and Expectation and the Website and Apps Setup forms

Some of these items will have specific instructions to help you in the process. A manual will also be available for some of the tasks you need to complete.  If you have any questions or concerns, please emails us at

As you complete the process, please keep in mind some expectations you should have of us, and the expectations that we will have of you.


  1. Site building will begin once all information requested from the Coach is received (expect first draft within 7-10 business days).
  2. UGRU will provide 1 revision for you to evaluate and provide feedback and site modifications. Changes to be submitted through online form HERE. First revision will be completed within 2 to 3 business days.
  3. UGRU will provide a 2nd and final site revision within 3 business days after new changes are submitted by the Coach.
  4. Should the Coach require new pages built that are not part of the site template, a fee of $100 per hour will be billed.
  5. WordPress Site maintenance will be monitored by UGRU to ensure plugins and content by UGRU is updated regularly.
  6. Should UGRU make changes to any courses or site information and for critical future site changes, Coach will be notified in advance for Coaches to make changes.
  7. For non-critical site changes, Coach will be notified and given an estimate and the option to update website with our site services.
  8. UGRU will provide an overview of WordPress site to ensure the Coach is familiar with the backend and is able to make simple changes or additions to site when needed.
  9. UGRU will maintain access to the Coach’s hosting site and WordPress until relationship between UGRU and Coach is terminated.
  10. If Coach changes credentials to any of the sites or apps, UGRU will not be able to perform tasks which could cause delays and could lead to site maintenance fees. Please email should you need to change credentials. The only credentials we will not keep are gateway access (paypal, stripe, etc.). Upon gateway integration, the coach should change password.
  11. Should the Coach delete/add any plugins in WordPress to make changes to website, add or delete pages or any other critical modification that interrupts website functionality; UGRU will not be held responsible for any damages or downtime that may occur. Should the Coach require assistance to restore data, a $100 hourly fee will be billed.